CWA SKYWARN Frequencies Table

Anderson147.0800 (103.5)147.1400 (103.5)444.6000 (103.5)
Bell145.3100 (123.0)147.1400 (123.0)146.960 (123.0)
Bosque147.1800 (123.0)
Collin147.1800 (107.2)146.7400 (110.9)
Comanche145.290 (110.9)147.3600 (110.9)
Cooke145.490 (85.4)147.340 (100.0)
Coryell145.3100 (123.0)146.9600 (123.0)147.2600 (88.5)
Dallas146.880 (110.9)442.075 (110.9)146.960 (110.9)
Delta146.7600 (203.5)
Denton146.9200 (110.9)145.1700 (110.9)147.3800 (110.9)
Eastland444.800 (156.7) NCTC442.275 (114.8) NCTC
Ellis145.4100 (110.9) Midlothian145.410 (162.2) Waxahachie
Erath145.290 (110.9)147.360 (110.9)444.775 (88.5) NCTC
Falls145.310 (123.0) N5ZXJ147.140 (123.0) W5BEC146.960 (146.2) NFLARC
Fannin145.470 (100.0)443.750 (100.0) NCTC147.200 (100.0)
Freestone145.1100 (146.2)
Grayson147.0000 (100.0)147.280 (107.2)146.520 Simplex
Hamilton147.200 (88.5)
Henderson146.9000 (136.5)147.2200 (136.5)147.520 simplex
Hill146.7800 (123.0)443.275 (123.0)146.620 (123.0)
Hood147.020 (162.2)147.240 (162.2)145.470 (110.9)
Hopkins444.825 (151.4)145.110 (100.)
Hunt146.7800 (114.8)147.16
Jack145.4900 (85.4) Rosston444.075 Simplex KC5PGZ-L
Johnson145.4900 (88.5)444.000 (136.5) 443.125 (110.9)
Lamar146.7600 (203.5)444.500 (114.8)
Lampasas145.3100 (123.0)147.1400 (123.0)147.2200 (88.5)
Leon147.2800 (146.2)
Limestone145.3900 (146.2)
McLennan145.1500 (123.0)145.3100 (123.0)147.1400 (123.0)
Milam145.3100 (123.0)147.020 (123.0)146.760 (123.0)
Mills147.220 (88.5)145.310 (123.0)147.140 (123.0)
Montague145.390 (192.8)147.360 (123.0)441.775 (100.0)
Navarro145.2900 (146.2)
Palo Pinto444.175 (114.8) NCTC146.86147.040 (110.9) Parker
Parker147.0400 (110.9)146.9000 (110.9)443.200 (110.9) NCTC
Rains146.9200 (88.5)443.625 (151.4)
Robertson146.9600 (146.2) NFLARC
Rockwall441.5250 (141.3)
Somervell145.4700 (110.9)147.020 (162.2)
Stephens444.7250 (110.9) NCTC147.000 (110.9) Young
Tarrant146.9400 (110.9)146.7600 (110.9)444.1000 (110.9)
Van Zandt146.620 (136.5) ETECS147.100 (136.5) NCTC443.625 (151.4) NCTC
Wise146.780 (131.8)442.6000 (131.8)444.400 (156.7)
Young147.0000 (110.9)
EchoLinkConference *WX5FWD* 372418. Linked to AllStar and IRLP.
IRLPExperimental node 0010. Linked to EchoLink and AllStar.
AllStarHUB 516220. Linked to EchoLink and IRLP.
North Central Texas Connection (NCTC)NCTC Linked repeater system.

A SKYWARN Frequencies placefile for GRLevel3 is available here.

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