Serving for more than thirty years, the WX5FWD SKYWARN™ team are volunteer radio operator liaisons for the Fort Worth National Weather Service (NWS) North Texas SKYWARN™ Spotters. During SKYWARN events, you are reporting information to our team and the NWS warning forecasters. Three goals of a storm spotter are to safely observe, identify and report conditions.

Weather spotters provide what's called "ground truth" to the National Weather Service and emergency weather management. Spotters are needed because, while radar is very good at helping the National Weather Service see what's going on in the upper atmosphere, it's unable to detect what's actually happening on the ground because of the curvature of the Earth. Knowing the "ground truth" about a weather event from the location can be the deciding factor to issue a warning.

WX5FWD Radio Desk Modernization Project

We created a brief video to highlight our NWS Radio Desk Modernization Project.

Weather Notifications via ntfy app

Weather notifications are available from our Weather Message Server by way of the ntfy App. Notifications are available for the entire FWD County Warning Area (CWA) or geographic areas that are based on the Council of Government (COG) Regions. The COG areas are for those who are not interested in receiving every notification in the entire CWA.

You can use either the ntfy app or a web browser to receive notifications. The app is available from both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Both the app and web browser versions are configured by subscribing to a topic. Note: Topic names are case sensitive


The WX5FWD SKYWARN® Team is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The WX5FWD SKYWARN® Team organization is entirely supported by volunteers and donations. Although the NWS facilitates us to operate from the forecast office and their tower, the radio desk equipment and time are provided by volunteers and donations.

How to Submit A Report, What We Need to Know

The NWS Spotter Training program provides the basic information spotters need to safely observe and report severe weather information. Below are links any spotter can reference.

NWS Fort Worth Spotter Cheat Sheet

How to Submit A Report to NWS Fort Worth, What We Need to Know, What to Report (Our Wishlist)

Information for Storm Spotters

SKYWARN Storm Spotters should attend the annual training sessions provided by National Weather Service (NWS). Those sessions give spotters the basic information they need to safely and effectively provide severe weather reports. You are considered a trained spotter by attending a training session. Attending annually also gives you updates on the latest training information. Safety is the primary concern of the training. If you missed the scheduled training sessions, there is spotter reference material and training on the Internet. This material is useful to the trained spotter as well.
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